Joachim Lombard, 44 ans, a une trajectoire professionnelle atypique : aujourd’hui transcripteur pour les sourds et malentendants, il a aussi été interprète simultané, traducteur, réalisateur de films documentaires, assistant d’une collectionneuse d’art new yorkaise, agent immobilier dans le sud de la France, et enfant / adolescent acteur, notamment pour Jean-Paul Roussillon au théâtre et Cédric Klapisch au cinéma. Il a vécu de sa photo N&B à New York de 1996 à 2002 et a renoué avec la photographie à Paris en 2012.

       Joachim Lombard, 44, has an atypical career. He currently works as a speech to text transcriber for deaf people and as a translator. He has also directed a couple of successful documentary films, has been a real estate agent in the south of France for a few years, the assistant of a New York art collector, and a child / teenager actor both in cinema and in the theatre. You can google his name to see the films that he has done. He made a living with his B&W photography in New York from 1996 to 2002, and started again to work as a photographer in 2012.